What is creatine?

Creatine is considered one of the most popular nutritional supplements for muscle building, strength development and performance enhancement. Our team of experts gives you all the information you need to know about this supplement!

What is creatine?

Creatine is an amino acid derivative, obtained from the synthesis of arginine, glycine and methionine. It is synthesized naturally by your body and muscles, but it is possible to supplement intakes through diet and supplementation. It is found in all red meats, but in higher concentrations in dietary supplements.

What's it for?

Creatine is synthesized mainly in the liver and kidneys. It is then transported to the muscles, where it is stored in the form of creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine). When your muscles need energy, creatine phosphate breaks down to release adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that supplies energy to the cells. It therefore increases the energy available to you when your muscles contract. What's more, it increases strength during short, intense workouts and facilitates recovery, helping you to build muscle mass and volume. Creatine comes in different forms: capsules, tablets, powder or liquid, to suit the preferences of every athlete.

How does your body assimilate it?

Taken with a sweetened drink, its results are optimized because the insulin peak will transport the creatine to the muscles. Its assimilation depends above all on the storage capacity of your muscles: if your creatine stock is already at its maximum, it won't be possible to store any more.

When is the best time to eat it?

Before training, taking creatine helps increase creatine levels in the muscles, thereby increasing muscular power during exercise.

After training, taking creatine can help replenish reserves depleted during exercise, and promote muscle recovery.

Creatine can be taken at a regular time of day, simply to maintain stable creatine levels in your muscles.

So there's no best time to take creatine, just make sure you maintain a regular level and stick to the recommended doses.

Why take creatine?

To improve physical performance

It increases the energy available to your muscles during high-intensity, short-duration activities, improving performance in explosive training, sprints and similar activities.

For building muscle mass

Creatine will "pump up" your muscle fibers. Used in combination with resistance training, it hydrates your muscle cells, increasing their volume and creating a more massive physique and a beautiful muscular "pump".

Reduce muscle fatigue

Creatine helps to delay the onset of muscular fatigue, enabling you to perform longer and more intensely during your physical training sessions.

Muscle recovery

It improves recovery after intense training by helping to regenerate muscle energy reserves.

What are the different types of creatine?


Creatine monohydrate is the most widely studied and widely used. It is composed of one creatine molecule bound to one water molecule. It is quite effective for beginners with a good base of muscle mass. Monohydrate powder is often used for other forms of creatine.

Micronized creatine

This is a higher-quality form of creatine monohydrate which has undergone a process to reduce particle size and facilitate dissolution and assimilation by the body. Its effects are similar to those of creatine monohydrate.

Buffered creatine monohydrate

Its pH is supposed to be higher to reduce creatinine degradation, but research on this creatine is still unclear and therefore not very widespread.

What should creatine be taken with?


The Whey + creatine combination helps you build muscle and boost your performance. Creatine increases the intensity of your sessions, but you also need to supply your muscles with protein and carbohydrates for better recovery!


You can combine creatine and BCAAs to promote recovery and gain muscle.

With a sheath

You can combine creatine with a gainer to gain muscle mass and weight. The gainer will help you consume more calories, while creatine will help you retain water in your muscle cells, giving you a more voluminous appearance.

As you'll have gathered, creatine is widely used by bodybuilding enthusiasts to increase muscle mass, optimize power and promote recovery.

Our team of experts has a range of creatine products for you to discover right here.