Our history

We have been cultivating strength of body and mind for over 10 years

Building champions

Our mission is to help athletes reach their best athletic potential by adopting the mindset of a champion. Inspired by the great American brands, we wanted to keep this character of requirement, rigor and power. We are proud to help our athletes get into that mindset, where determination, perseverance and confidence are the keys to success. If you are here, it means that you are ready to become a champion!

Technical expertise at the service of innovation

We strive to offer the best sports nutrition solutions by combining technicality and expertise. Sports performance is a complex combination of physical and mental factors, which requires a global approach. This is why we have decided to include in our team, experts in nutrition, sports trainers and high level athletes in order to develop innovative products and personalized nutrition programs.

The rise of Superset Nutrition

"In 2013, I noticed that it was difficult to find sports nutrition products with qualitative formulations and free of dubious substances, which could accompany each athlete in his or her evolution, from the most inexperienced to true expert practitioners. The second problem that arose for athletes wishing to become interested in sports nutrition was the lack of knowledge and support, which is essential in this very technical field.

I then had the idea of developing real complete programs designed according to different objectives, but also according to different levels of improvement and experience in the sport discipline. The goal? To accompany our athletes in their activity and to offer them products adapted to their objective, for a rapid progression, by integrating all the aspects of the sport into their practice: from nutrition, to training, including, of course, supplementation.

I then surrounded myself with bodybuilding enthusiasts, sports coaches and nutrition experts, with whom I was able to study the formulations, analyze the effects of hundreds of active ingredients, explore the results of the complementarity of certain components, and create real synergies between them in order to offer products with perfected and innovative formulations, enriched with active ingredients to increase their results tenfold.

Today, we are proud to have taken up the challenge, giving thousands of athletes the opportunity to flourish in their sports practice and to exceed the objectives they had set themselves, thanks to expert advice, effective products and well thought-out programs. But our mission doesn't end there. We're committed to keeping that goal in sight, and developing new formulas to support you through every stage of your transformation."

"For me, sport is passion, motivation, rigor, perseverance, effort, perspiration, but most of all, accomplishment: that of watching one's progress, again and again, until one becomes what one wanted to be, to reach the perfect technical and physical level."

Marc Deroover, founder of Superset Nutrition