Elite system series

Concerned about the quality of our products, we have developed the Elite System Series, developed by our R&D teams.

A unique research and development process

Elite System Series guarantees a line of premium sports nutrition products, characterized by their technicality and efficiency, and everything happens at the level of reflection upstream of their production. Several criteria are evaluated:

Technical expertise at the service of innovation

We strive to offer the best sports nutrition solutions by combining technicality and expertise. Sports performance is a complex combination of physical and mental factors, which requires a global approach. That's why we have decided to include nutrition experts, sports coaches and top athletes in our team to develop innovative products and personalized nutrition programs.

State-of-the-art manufacturing processes and continuous innovation:

Our product development teams are always on the lookout for the latest market trends and innovations in the field of sports nutrition, whether technical or in terms of formulas, in order to maximize the effectiveness of its products and results. Our goal? To offer you the best in sports nutrition so that you reach your goals!

The quality of raw materials:

All our products are registered with the DGCCRF. For each production of products Superset Nutrition, we hold certificates of composition and certificates of analysis of the products certifying their quality and safety. Our dietary supplements are produced in a regulated environment from safe, carefully selected ingredients, free of prohibited materials, in accordance with the strict guidelines of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and current legislation.

Combinations of ingredients for a synergy of active ingredients:

Our experts study each formula and each ingredient in depth. Their goal? To find an innovative ingredient that will allow them to make the formula more effective, by creating a real synergy between the different active ingredients, to increase the product's effects and results tenfold. You can find up to 13 active ingredients in our formulas, elaborated from precise and optimal dosages to guarantee an intense action that will allow you to reach your goals in record time!