The Superset: Intensify your bodybuilding workouts

Are you comfortable with weight training and want to improve your performance by intensifying your workouts? Or have you been going to the gym for a while, but you're going through a phase of stagnation? That's good news, because here we're going to tell you about an intensification technique that will enable you to make rapid progress in bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding enthusiasts are constantly seeking to push back their limits and optimize their performance. One of the most effective techniques for achieving this goal is the "superset".

What is a Superset?

The superset is a training method that consists of linking a minimum of two exercises with no rest time between your sets. You can link together two different muscle groups, or sometimes target a single muscle group by changing the axis of work or type of muscle contraction.

This increases the intensity of your training and stimulates your muscles through greater muscular fatigue.

For example, to develop your arms, you can do a superset on the combination of a movement to challenge your biceps and another to challenge your triceps. This effective alternation of movements allows one muscle group to rest while the other is worked.

To further intensify your sessions and your superset, you can take a pre-workout such as No Pump Xtrême from Superset Nutrition 30 to 45 minutes before your workout!

Superset benefits

Optimize your session time

Supersets allow you to work two different muscle groups (or the same muscle group from different angles) consecutively, reducing the time needed to complete your workout.

Instead of doing a set for a single muscle group and then moving on to another exercise, you link up two exercises directly, reducing your rest time between sets. This allows you to build up the density of your sessions.

Greater muscle stimulation

By performing two successive exercises without a break, you maintain a high intensity throughout the superset.

This stimulates your heart rate and increases blood flow to your muscles, promoting muscle stimulation and greater activation of your muscle fibers.

Your body burns more calories

Since supersets maintain a high heart rate and stimulate several muscle groups, they help burn more calories during and after training.

This can be particularly beneficial if you're also aiming to lose weight or reduce body fat.

A variety of movements

Incorporating supersets into your sports routine can bring variety and break up monotony.

It can also stimulate you mentally during your workout, keeping you focused on each exercise.

Improve your muscular endurance

By reducing the rest time between sets, supersets can help improve your muscular endurance.

This ability to maintain an effort over an extended period of time can be beneficial to your future endurance, as well as to your slower muscle fibres.

What are the different superset methods for bodybuilding?

Same muscle group:

This method allows you to fatigue the muscle you've targeted by increasing the volume of training for that specific muscle group. This promotes muscle hypertrophy by further stimulating your muscle fibres.

Example: A series of biceps curls at the bar, followed immediately by alternate curls at the dumbbells.

Your antagonist muscles :

By alternating between exercises targeting antagonistic muscle groups, you can reduce your accumulated fatigue in a single muscle group while maintaining the intensity of your workout. This can lead to better muscle balance and faster recovery.

Example: A Rowing machine followed immediately by a dumbbell bench press.

Pre- and post-fatigue of your muscle:

Pre-fatigue can exhaust the target muscle with an isolation exercise before subjecting it to a heavier compound exercise. This intensifies muscular stimulation of the target muscle, especially for muscles that tend to be less stressed in compound exercises.

Example: Lateral raises followed immediately by military presses.

Stability and strength :

By combining stability exercises with strength exercises, you can strengthen your stabilizing muscles while working on your muscular strength. This can improve coordination, proprioception and injury prevention.

Example: Swiss ball exercises followed immediately by squats.

Additional exercises :

This method allows you to target different aspects of your fitness in the same session, such as your strength, endurance, explosiveness or mobility. This can lead to a more complete and versatile workout.

Example: Alternating lunges followed immediately by box jumps.

Similar movements :

By varying the angles and positions of similar exercises, you can target different muscle fascicles and improve your symmetry. This can also prevent stagnation by introducing new muscle stimuli.

Example: Dips on a bench followed immediately by dips on a dips machine.

Bodyweight and weight-bearing exercises :

This method combines the use of bodyweight to develop stability with weight-bearing exercises to increase resistance and strength. This can provide a balanced and functional workout.

Example: Pull-ups followed immediately by vertical machine pulls.

Our tips for an effective superset

Program your type of training :

  • Identify your goals, such as building muscle, increasing strength or endurance, and select exercises specific to the result you want to achieve.
  • Choose exercises that target the muscles you want to work, and make sure they can be performed effectively.
  • Adjust your load whether it's light or heavy; your aim will be to adapt your load so that you can complete your number of repetitions to the end of the exercise.

Vary your supersets:

  • Perform different variations of supersets to stimulate muscle growth. You can do two isolation exercises or two polyarticular exercises, or mix the two.
  • You can target the same muscle group to increase the intensity of your workout and promote volume.
  • Stimulating the antagonistic muscles will also help you balance muscle development and maximize your workout efficiency.

Reduce your rest time:

  • Limit your rest periods between exercises to 30 seconds or less to maintain the intensity of your workout.
  • Keep in mind that the aim of supersets is to maintain a steady pace to stimulate your metabolism and increase the benefits of your workout.

Film and correct your movements:

  • Don't neglect the quality of your movement: a well-executed exercise will enable you to be more and more effective in your training, and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Control your movement and concentrate on your muscle contraction during each repetition, rather than on the number of repetitions performed.

Muscle-building programs for superset work

Need some inspiration to incorporate an effective method of intensification exercise? Our expert sports advisors will be happy to give you examples of supersets based on the muscle group you want to work!

Superset for pectorals

Alternate 1 set of exercise 1 with 1 set of exercise 2 and repeat the cycle 4 times.

Rest time between each set of two movements: 60 to 80 seconds

Bench press:

Sets: 4

Repetitions: 8-10

Lie on a bench, grasp the bar at shoulder-width level, lower the bar to your chest while controlling the movement, then push the bar upwards by contracting your pectorals and repeat the movement.

Push-ups (for more difficulty: raise your legs):

Sets: 4

Repetitions: 10-12

Get into a plank position (for greater difficulty: with your feet raised on a bench or step). Lower your body, keeping your back straight, until your chest almost touches the ground, then push up with your arms and repeat the movement.

Superset for the back

Alternate 1 set of exercise 1 with 1 set of exercise 2 and repeat the cycle 4 times.

Rest time between each set of two movements: 60 to 80 seconds


Sets: 4

Repetitions: 6-8

Hang from a high bar in a pronated grip, palms facing forward and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Pull yourself up by bending your elbows until your chin is above the bar, slowly lower yourself back to your starting position and repeat the movement.

Bar Rowing:

Sets: 4

Repetitions: 8-10

Hold a barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, bend slightly forward at the hips, keep your back straight and knees slightly bent. Pull the bar down, keeping your elbows close to your body, bringing your shoulder blades together, return to your starting position and repeat the movement.

Superset for legs

Alternate 1 set of exercise 1 with 1 set of exercise 2 and repeat the cycle 4 times.

Rest time between the two movements: 60 to 80 seconds

Leg extension :

Sets: 4

Repetitions: 10-12

Sit on the leg extension machine, adjusting the resistance pad just above your ankles. Push the log upwards, contracting your quadriceps until your legs are almost straight, control your descent back to the starting position, and repeat the movement.

Leg curls:

Sets : 4

Repetitions: 10-12

Lie face down on the leg curl machine. Place your ankles under the resistance pad and grasp the handles of the machine to stabilize your body. Bend your legs, bringing your heels towards your buttocks while contracting your hamstrings, slowly return to your starting position, and repeat the movement.

Superset for arms

Alternate 1 set of exercise 1 with 1 set of exercise 2 and repeat the cycle 4 times.

Rest time between each set of two movements: 60 to 80 seconds

Biceps curls:

Sets: 4

Repetitions: 10-12

Take a pair of dumbbells, one in each hand, and place your arms at your sides, palms facing forward. Then lift the dumbbells towards your shoulders while contracting your biceps, then lower your arms back down while controlling the movement, and repeat the exercise.

Triceps extensions:

Sets : 4

Repetitions: 10-12

Take a pair of dumbbells, one in each hand, and place your arms at your sides, palms facing forward. Then lift the dumbbells towards your shoulders while contracting your biceps, then lower your arms again while controlling the movement, and repeat the exercise.

Superset for shoulders

Alternate 1 set of exercise 1 with 1 set of exercise 2 and repeat the cycle 4 times.

Rest time between each set of two movements: 60 to 80 seconds

Lateral raises:

Sets: 4

Repetitions: 10-12

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and bring your arms to your sides. With your arms slightly bent, back straight and shoulders hunched forward, lift the dumbbells sideways until they're parallel to the floor. Control the movement by slowly lowering the dumbbells to the starting position, and repeat the movement.

Military bench press:

Sets: 4

Repetitions: 8-10

Take a pair of dumbbells, place one in each hand and raise them to shoulder height, palms facing forward. Push the dumbbells up overhead, keeping them aligned above the shoulders, then lower them slowly and repeat the movement

Superset for the buttocks

Alternate 1 set of exercise 1 with 1 set of exercise 2 and repeat the cycle 4 times.

Rest time between the two movements: 60 to 80 seconds

Bulgarian lunges:

Sets: 4

Repetitions: 10-12 (each leg)

Place your foot on a bench behind you. Bend the knee of your front leg to lower your body towards the ground until the back knee almost touches the ground, then push into your front leg to return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

Hip Trusts:

Sets: 4

Repetitions: 10-12

Sit on the floor with your upper back against a bench, place your loaded bar under your pelvis. Put a foam log on your bar or a thick mat between your bar and your hips for added comfort. Once well positioned, push up with your pelvis until your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees, then slowly lower your buttocks to the floor and repeat the movement.

Now all you have to do is incorporate superset into your training! And don't forget to warm up before each session to improve your performance, range of motion and risk of injury.

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