Our advice: How to successfully rebalance your diet?

With only a few months or even weeks left until summer, it's time to sculpt your dream body! And the main thing to consider is diet! And why's that? Because it accounts for 80% of your weight loss, and the remaining 20% concerns your physical activity.

But changing your diet and habits isn't easy... That's why a rebalanced diet allows you to lose fat without drastically restricting yourself!

What is diet rebalancing?

Food rebalancing is a method that allows you to readjust your basic diet to promote a more balanced and healthy diet!

It's the complete opposite of restrictive dieting! Put an end to the yo-yo effect after a drastic diet, and get your dream body all year round!

It's important to remember that rebalancing your diet is not about depriving yourself of certain foods or eliminating them altogether, but rather about balancing what's on your plate to better meet your nutritional needs.

Key points to remember about rebalancing your diet :

  • Eat lots of different foods, such as fruits, vegetables, proteins, legumes, nuts and healthy fats.
  • Eat what pleases you, you can go to restaurants and eat pastries as long as your portions are controlled and you avoid excess.
  • Reduce your intake of processed foods high in added sugars, saturated fats and salt.

"Apply the 80/20 rule to your week! Compose 80% of your meals from balanced recipes and the remaining 20% with pleasure foods."

By adopting a more balanced diet, you'll be able to enjoy your pleasurable moments without feeling guilty, and no more cravings after 2 days of dieting! You have the right to eat your favorite dish or dessert, and it won't make you put on weight - as long as you only do it a few times a week.

Why rebalance your diet?

Rebalancing your diet has many benefits for your health, helping to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

What's more, you'll feel less bloated, have better digestion, healthier skin, more energy and be in better physical and mental shape.

The main benefits and essential roles of a diet:

You provide your body with all the nutrients it needs: By adopting a varied diet, you'll provide your body with a large quantity of nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals,ensuring that your body functions optimally and feels full throughout the day - no more cravings!

Put an end to the yo-yo effect and control your weight: readjusting your diet will help you manage your weight, whether you're trying to lose weight, gain weight or keep it off. Rebalancing your diet by adjusting the portion sizes on your plate and your food choices will help you achieve your goals.

Say bye bye to disease risk: Reducing the fats, sugars and salt yourbody ingestscan reduce the risk of a variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. By including a variety of foods in your diet, you can ensure that your body gets the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

You'll be in top shape: With a diet rich in carbohydrates, fibre, protein and fat, you'll give your body the energy it needs to carry out your daily activities. You'll have a constant level of energy throughout the day, with a feeling of satiety.

Better mental health: What you eat affects your mental health. Certain nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, have been linked to improved mood and cognitive function.

Goodbye bloating after your meals: Incorporating a high-fiber diet into your daily routine will promote better digestive health through a healthy gut microbiome. Including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes in your diet will ensure optimal digestive function.

How can I rebalance my diet to lose weight?

The first step to rebalancing your diet is to take a look at what you usually eat. Then, set achievable goals that push you out of your comfort zone.

To create a balanced plan, think about your body and what it needs, calculating your needs according to your age, gender and activity level.

"Want to know your daily requirements? We've done a great article on that so you can calculate and define your calorie expenditure! Know your daily energy requirements"

Vary the pleasures: Try to include everything in your basket: fruit, vegetables, wholegrain cereals, meat or vegetable alternatives, and good fats.

Use the plate method: Imagine your plate as a table: half is for vegetables and fruit, a quarter for proteins, and the last quarter for wholegrain cereals. And don't forget to add a touch of pleasure with healthy fats, like nuts or a drizzle of olive oil.

Payattention to portion size: too much or too little is never good. Use tools or visual aids to help you keep your portion sizes in line with the number of calories you need to eat per day!

Think proteins: Proteins are crucial to your body: building and repairing is their job. Include chicken, fish, tofu, legumes, eggs and dairy products in your diet.

Wholegrain cereals at every meal : They're rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Choose brown rice, quinoa or oats, and forget the white stuff!

Fruits and vegetables galore: They're full of good stuff for your body: vitamins, minerals, etc. So treat yourself! So treat yourself!

No diet without healthy fats: They're vital for your brain, your hormones and your general health. Add olive oil, avocados, nuts and fatty fish to your menu.

Drink water : Stay hydrated, it's super important. Skip the sugary drinks and opt for water or herbal teas.

Beware of added sugar and processed foods: Avoid snacking and sugar-laden drinks. Choose natural, minimally processed foods!

What foods should I eat when rebalancing my diet for weight loss?

In your rebalancing, aim for foods that provide you with plenty of good nutrients, but try to limit those that are too fatty or too sweet.

Here's a list of foods to focus on:

Fruits and vegetables: Full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Vary the colors to get plenty under the hood.

Lean Protein: Opt for things like chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, legumes, or low-fat dairy products.

Whole grains: Brown rice, oats, quinoa, whole wheat... They're full of fiber, protein and complex carbohydrates.

Healthy Fats: Add avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, or fatty fish like salmon or tuna to your dishes.

Light dairy products : Choose skimmed milk, Greek yoghurt or a light version of cottage cheese.

Pulses: Beans, lentils and peas are champions of vegetable protein, fiber and nutrients.

What foods should you restrict when rebalancing your diet?

When you set out to rebalance your diet, you need to be aware of the foods that can lead you down the wrong path. Here are a few to avoid or limit:

Processed foods: Ready-made meals, fast food, industrial snacks and anything from fast food restaurants are full of empty calories, added sugars and saturated fats. It's not great for your health and it'll make you put on weight.

Sugary drinks: Sodas, industrial juices, energy drinks... It's all concentrated added sugars and empty calories. So take it all out and replace it with water.

Fried foods: French fries, doughnuts and anything breaded are high in saturated fat and calories. Instead, try baked sweet potato fries or steamed potatoes.

Sweets and pastries: Sweets, cakes, cookies... Too much sugar, too much fat, too many empty calories. Prefer alternatives to these pastries, such as protein pancakes or homemade banana bread.

Refined foods: White bread, white pasta, white rice... They've lost a lot of their nutrients in the refining process. Instead, eat whole-wheat wraps, whole-grain bread, lentil pasta, brown rice and whole-grain pasta.

Excess alcohol: Drinking is fun, but not too much. Too much alcohol can make you fat, damage your liver, deteriorate your muscles and cause cardiovascular problems.

By watching your intake of these foods and choosing healthier, more nutritious alternatives, you can improve your diet, take care of your health and achieve your goals for rebalancing your diet. But remember, it's all about balance, and you shouldn't deprive yourself of everything to the point of making yourself unhappy.

Coach's tip: incorporate a Meal Prep into your routine for abalanceddiet

"Incorporating Meal Prep into your routine can really simplify life when you want to stay on track with your dietary rebalancing. By setting aside a little time each week to plan and prepare your meals, you can say goodbye to unhealthy temptations and ensure you always have healthy options on hand."

Meal Prep: All our tips for organizing your weekly menu

When do you see the effects of a balanced diet?

Losing weight while rebalancing your diet is a bit like travelling: it depends on your path, your speed, and lots of other things.

Basically, it varies from person to person, depending on your metabolism, activity level and starting weight.

As a general rule, you should aim for a slow, steady weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per week. Why slow? To avoid the yo-yo effect and, quite simply, because with a slow pace, you're sure to lose fat, because if you lose too quickly at once, you'll lose more water and muscle than fat, and we want to avoid that!

So arm yourself with patience, because a body goal takes time, but it's not worth it!

Don't pressure yourself with unrealistic weight-loss goals. Major changes take time and vary from person to person.

By rebalancing your diet, you can lose weight sustainably while boosting your overall health. But remember: it's not a race.

Patience, perseverance and regularity are the keys to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight over the long term. And if you need a helping hand, consider consulting a health professional for personalized advice.

Add sport to your daily routine to boost weight loss, sculpt your body and feel better mentally?

Of course you can! Moving your body every day, whether it's with a little dance, a walk or a workout at the gym, can really make a difference to your life.

Feel good: Exercise releases cool stuff in your brain called endorphins, which make you feel happy and satisfied. It's like a little boost of positive energy!

A healthy mind in a healthy body: When you're feeling a bit tense or anxious, there's nothing like a session of sport to clear your head. It helps you decompress and feel more Zen.

Boost your body: Exercise doesn't just move your muscles, it strengthens them too. And it can give you a more toned figure and make you stronger every day.

Restful sleep: After a good workout, you often feel more relaxed, which can help you fall asleep more easily and get a better night's sleep.

Increased self-confidence: When you set yourself goals and reach them through exercise, it boosts your self-confidence. And it feels good to feel good about yourself!

A more energetic body: It's amazing how a little exercise can give you a boost! It gives you the energy you need to face your day with a smile.

Exercise isn't just for athletes or fitness-obsessed people. It's for everyone, to feel good, fit and happy in your own skin!

So get moving and do what you love, whether it's a little quiet yoga or a wild dance session in your bedroom. You'll be surprised how much it can change your life.

What's the right menu for a balanced diet?

Here is an ideal menu for a 5-day dietary rebalancing:

Day 1:

Breakfast :

  • Oatmeal porridge with plant milk, topped with banana slices and a handful of almonds.
  • A cup of green tea or Matcha.


  • Grilled chicken salad with lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, pieces of feta and avocado, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice.
  • A slice of wholemeal bread.
  • Seasonal fruit for dessert.

Snack :

  • Plain Greek yogurt with a handful of mixed berries.


  • Baked salmon fillet with roasted vegetables (peppers, zucchini, onions) and quinoa.
  • Herbal tea or a glass of lemon water.

Day 2:

Breakfast :

  • Spinach, banana and almond milk smoothie.
  • A slice of wholemeal bread toasted with almond butter.
  • A cup of tea or Matcha.


  • Salad with canned tuna, brown rice, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs and olives, seasoned with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  • A few carrot and cucumber sticks.
  • A seasonal fruit for dessert.


  • A small bowl of mixed nuts.


  • Grilled chicken breast with sautéed vegetables (broccoli, mushrooms, peppers) and wholemeal pasta.
  • A relaxing infusion to end the day.

Day 3:

Breakfast :

  • Vegetable omelette (peppers, spinach, mushrooms) with a slice of wholemeal bread.
  • A glass of squeezed orange juice or a cup of tea.


  • Whole-wheat wrap with spreadable cheese, pieces of turkey and crunchy vegetables (peppers, carrots, lettuce).
  • A portion of plain Greek yogurt.
  • A banana for dessert.

Snack :

  • A handful of toasted almonds.


  • Baked white fish with grilled asparagus and quinoa.
  • Chamomile tea.

Day 4:

Breakfast :

  • Oatmeal porridge with apple slices, slivered almonds and a pinch of cinnamon.
  • A glass of water or herbal tea.

Lunch :

  • Shrimp salad with lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, chunks of avocado and a light vinaigrette.
  • A portion of fromage frais.
  • A handful of strawberries for dessert.


  • A green smoothie made with spinach, Greek yogurt and a banana.


  • Vegetarian chili with red beans and vegetables, accompanied by a green salad.
  • A soothing herbal tea to end the day.

Day 5:

Breakfast :

  • Toasted wholemeal bread with cottage cheese and tomato slices.
  • A portion of mixed berries.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.

Lunch :

  • Light chicken caesar salad with grilled chicken, lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes, wholemeal bread croutons and light vinaigrette.
  • A few cucumber sticks.
  • A portion of melon for dessert.

Snack :

  • A whole-grain cereal bar.


  • Roasted turkey breast with sautéed vegetables (zucchini, peppers, onions) and brown rice.
  • A relaxing infusion for a peaceful night.

Don't forget to adapt these menus to your dietary preferences, individual calorie requirements and any specific medical conditions you may have. And of course, drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated!

Bonus: recipe for a vegetarian diet!

    Buddha Bowl with Sautéed Vegetables and Quinoa


    • 1 cup quinoa
    • 2 cups water
    • 1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
    • 1 zucchini, sliced into rounds
    • 1 carrot, cut into sticks
    • 1 red onion, quartered
    • 200g firm tofu, cubed
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1 teaspoon paprika
    • 1 teaspoon cumin
    • Salt and black pepper to taste
    • 2 handfuls fresh spinach shoots
    • 1 avocado, sliced
    • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds (optional)
    • Tahini sauce to serve (see recipe below)


    1. Rinse the quinoa under cold water using a fine sieve.
    2. In a saucepan, bring to a boil with 2 cups of water. Add the rinsed quinoa, reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until all the water has been absorbed. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to stand for 5 minutes before draining off any excess water.
    3. While the quinoa is cooking, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the cubed tofu and cook for 5 to 7 minutes on each side, until golden and crispy. Remove from the pan and set aside.
    4. In the same pan, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add the chopped vegetables (bell pepper, zucchini, carrot and onion) and sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, until tender but still crunchy. Season with paprika, cumin, salt and pepper to taste.
    5. To make the tahini sauce, mix 2 tablespoons tahini with 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon water and a pinch of salt. Adjust the consistency by adding more water if necessary.
    6. To assemble the bowls, place the cooked quinoa in the bottom of each bowl. Arrange the sautéed vegetables, grilled tofu and avocado slices on top of the quinoa. Add a handful of fresh spinach shoots. Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired and serve with the tahini sauce on the side.

    This Buddha Bowl with Sautéed Vegetables and Quinoa is just as delicious and balanced! Enjoy your meal.

    To sum up, a balanced diet is much more than just a diet. It's a real lifestyle change, a step towards adopting healthy, sustainable eating habits that will boost your overall health and well-being. By following these principles and being patient and persistent, you can achieve your long-term health goals. And that's a real victory!